Before the publication of my first novel, I wrote one of my longest manuscripts. This story was filled with complex cultures and languages, mysterious higher powers, and intricate relationships and characters. I had taken a lot of pride in this story but not too long after finishing it, I became distracted with publishing one of my first manuscripts, presently known as “At Center Line”, and this story was forgotten; but not for long.
Well, update: this manuscript is coming back. With a vengeance, if I may say so.
As college has progressed, I have take a step back from more in depth creative writing, besides the writing, editing, and publishing of the sequel to “At Center Line”. This step away has allowed me to reflect on my old manuscripts and think of additional story ideas and concepts. As of last semester around mid-October, I couldn’t take it anymore and I started outlining and world building for my next project.
And yes, it’s a project. My overarching idea is to have three trilogies that are all a part of one long series…ahh!!!
Essentially, this series is attempting to tackle the concept of war with mentions of various social, political, economic, cultural, and religious theories and topics. This manuscript that once was a fantastical bildungsroman, is now an elaborate and multi-layered story about war and the reevaluation of entire systems of existence.
Over the course of last semester, I made the decision that this current semester would lay the foundation for this series. One of the mistakes that I made during my first publication, and partially during my current one, is that I did not know what I was writing. But now, with an entire five months, and the coming summer, I knew that I would have a solid foundation to start my long series.
My current anticipation is that this entire project is quite possibly decades from publication. Considering the depth, length, and intensity of the series, I hope to spend many years carefully articulating how everything will play out.
This is an ambitious and nearly impossible project, so why am I doing this? Honestly, I’m not doing it for anyone but myself. I’m not trying to shock or impress anyone. This project is simply how I hope to explore my own knowledge, however limited or expansive.
Through reflection and contemplation, I have come to recognize that my purpose as a writer is to create a location where all manner of imagination is necessary and where all topics are acceptable. By creating and writing this series, I would be participating in my own purpose and I would be expanding my own knowledge and awareness of the world.
Although still in the works, I am open to advice, suggestions, and tips for this next project. Have questions or comments? Leave them below!