Artistic Perceptions of “Chaos”

Since beginning graduate school I’ve used the word “chaos” a lot. Either if I’m talking about my program or my personal life, cooking or work, the word “chaos,” or the concept of it, comes up. Honestly, I thought it was just a reflection of my mental state and a fun way to perceive my busy life, so I didn’t get dragged down by negativity. After some thought though, I’ve come to recognize that “chaos” means a lot more to me than craziness and a busy work/life balance. … Continue readingArtistic Perceptions of “Chaos”

What I’ve Learned from Teaching Writing

I’ve been a writing tutor for about 5 years and in the Fall of 2022, I began teaching freshmen college English at San Jose State University. After two full semesters of teaching, I’ve noticed something: being good at writing is not based on just talent or good education, but also on what your environment and community tells you about writing. … Continue readingWhat I’ve Learned from Teaching Writing